Mon 27 Jan
🍓$trawberry Delight💋💸$50 special come take a bite give it a slap and watch it clap😍2 girl deal also! - 22
(Memphis, American Way (incalls only))
Want some fun on this beautiful day give me a call! !!! ♡♡♡♡ out call - 21
(Kenosha / Racine, Racine)
⚠ Super FUN❗️DISCREET 🆕Spot ⚠ NEW NUMBER GUYS 🎀 Habla👄 Espanol🎌 📞Goldie(901)336-6919 - 22
(American Way😋�😘 Call Now, Memphis)
Tired of fake pics & pushy chicks!! 💯% Me Or It's Free *New Specials *👑Jazmine👑 - 27 - 27
(Kenosha / Racine, Kenosha/harbor)
✋SaSsY SeXxi InDePeNdEnT🍒🍒 FrEAky👅 WhiTe GiRl💋 👅NeW Pics✋ FoRtYfiVe AvailAblE ✋💋💕 - 30
(Memphis, Raleigh area)
💋💎 Top Notch • Tatted • Bombshell 💎💋 •Slim Waist Beautiful Face• 💎💋 NEW Location!! - 23
(Milwaukee, Private Incall South Milwaukee)
THE NEW BOSS IN TOWN..(RACINE )4now😉LOL60buck specials before 8pm😎 EVERYBDYwants a young hottie - 19
(Kenosha / Racine, Racine &SURROUNDING; AREAS..(iNCALLS))
TODAY ONLY 50quick great for the working man sneak away n warm up quick 💋reviews 100% REAL - 29
(Milwaukee, Southside)
Need company blue eyes blonde hair 😊😏😘 ( tiny with long blonde dreads) #russian - 21
(Kenosha / Racine, My house)
** Sexy Latina playmate ** brand new pics ** waiting 4 you now!!! - 22
60$ specials NEW PICS!!!! Great reputation for Real pics!!! Satifaction guranteed!!!! - 22
(Kenosha / Racine, Highway 20 Racine)
***Simply beautiful an wantin to please you*** (Wink) - 22
(Memphis, Germantown,memphis,(surrounding area))
Sweet an petite ❤💙ooh soo Sexy . Sophia❤💙 new pics❤💙in an Outcall dz - 26
(Memphis, incall.east desto west downtown casino)
★ SUPER SEXY ★ SLIM Brunette Bombshell ★ SPECIALS ALL NIGHT ★ - 27
(Memphis, East Memphis/ Gremantown)
█☆ █ ★ █ SOFT █ ★ █ ☆ █ █▀ █ █ ▀█ █▀ █ █ ▀█ SEXY █▀ █ █ ▀█ SWEET █▀ █ █ ▀█ Blonde !! █▀ █ - 25
(Memphis, east memphis/germantown)
(*) (*) Start Your Weekend With A Brown Eyed Beauty (*) (*) - 24
(Memphis, east memphis upscale incall)
❥ $$$ SPECiAL, SPECiAL, SP3CiAL, D0N'T MiSS 0UT $$$ ❤ H0T, R3ADY, & AvAiLAbLe N - 22
(Memphis, Memphis,tn)
SEXY, SWEET, BRuNTTe BoMBSHELL :Your QUALITY COMPaNioN Here For the Holidays. - 28
(East Memphis/ Germantown)
💛💙💜💚❤London 💛(100% NEW PICS ) 💙 Freaky & Stay Ready 💜💚$80 Specials ❤ (901)236~8186 💛💙💜💚❤ - 24
(Memphis, Incalls &Outcall; Serious Inquiries Only)
°°° La Mas MEJoRES ESPeCiALeS De La noche!! ••• Try A BILINGUAL mamacita ToDaY!! °°° $80!!! - 22
****** Let My Pinkness Be Your Weakness !!!!!!! Having Specials !!! ****** - 22
***** Let's Make A Deal, What's Behind Door # 1 or 2 ***** - 20
(Memphis, Memphis, 1 hr.notice 4 jackson & Tunica)
Its My BiRtHdAy WeEkEnD! AnD Im StiLl oN ThE jOb! I AiM To pLeAsE YoU! AMBER - 20
♥ L°_E _°T°_° S° ► "available now" ◄ °P° _°L°_ °A°_° Y° ♥ - 25
(Memphis, Memphis & Surrounding Aeras)
$*$*Im HeRe 2 FullFill Yo EveRy Dre@m M$ L@dy Lovey$*$* Speci@l SpeciAl - 19
(Memphis/surrounding downtown area)
i May Be Bad But I'm Perfectly Good @ It!!! Sexy Dominican My'anna 9015030391 All New Pics - 19
👅👅i HEARD She can do some tricks with her mouth👅It get SUPER 💦💦💦Natural DD's Ebony FUN SIZED - 20
(Memphis, mine or yours(trucker/casino friendly))